I still can remember the first time I read Mitch Albom’s book. It was the Five People You Meet in Heaven, and it was my sister’s. I remember being in love with the book, the story, and the way he writes.
Fast-forward ten years and I’m still a Mitch Albom fan. I have all of his books (three are my sister’s, three are mine), and I am constantly excited by his new ones. His books always talk about concepts such as life, love, and death, and they always inflict deep impressions on me.
The First Phone Call from Heaven, which was just launched last week, does its magic as well.

My (sister and I) Mitch Albom book collection. Ps. Don’t ask me what’s the monkey doing there, just feel like it.
The story revolves around the theme of death, life, and having lost our loved ones. When someone who is very dear to us passed away, we would always hope to be able to hear from them one last time. Perhaps we haven’t said our goodbyes. Perhaps we never really told them how they mean in our lives.
Perhaps we would love to know what lies on the other side. Isn’t it what humans fear the most? Dying? Not knowing what lies next?
The book depicts the story as just that. Of how a man received the first phone call from heaven, and how, it would alter everything in life.
Do you believe it? Or do you not?
You have to read the book to find out.
As always of Mitch Albom’s books, it’s highly recommended.