Everyone who terrifies you is sixty-five percent water. And everyone you love is made of stardust, and I know sometimes you cannot even breathe deeply, and the night sky is no home, and you have cried yourself to sleep enough times that you are down to your last two percent, but nothing is infinite, not even loss. You are made of the sea and the stars, and one day you are going to find yourself again.

Finn Butler

There’s a reason why we click certain articles and ignore the others. There’s a reason why we like and share a certain message and not the others. There’s a reason, and this reason is simple: It’s because we see bits and pieces of ourselves there.

We like, we post, we tweet, we share because we care. We care about the issue of the lost art of learning in the younger generations. We are passionate about learning how to live our lives well – how to live the good life. We comment on the movies, books, and songs that resonate with our souls.

The others? We let them pass by.

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We write to taste life twice.

Anais Nin

I have always been Mitch Albom’s fan, and his latest book, The First Phone Call from Heaven, easily made it to my all time’s favourite list.

Fast-forward ten years and I’m still a Mitch Albom fan. I have all of his books (three are my sister’s, three are mine), and I am constantly excited by his new ones. His books always talk about concepts such as life, love, and death, and they always inflict deep impressions on me.

The First Phone Call from Heaven, which was just launched last week, does its magic as well.

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