i love you even though

I love you even though you are almost always late to our dates, prolonging my agony to not have more time with you as every drop of the minutes we have is precious.

I love you even though you are sensitive, because that’s where your charm lies. Your sensitivity towards me and others makes you such an understanding man.

I love you even though our paths are not always smooth, even when we go through bumpy rides. Somehow, we always make it through.

I love you even though you make me cry, being oversensitive when I need you to just listen to me and comfort me. I love you even though you misunderstand things.

I love you even though we fight, even when we fight a lot. I love you even though we hurt each other. Because I know we’ll always find each other again.

I love you even though you are not perfect. Your imperfection makes you strong, it makes you learn. It makes you see the beauty and wonder of little things. It makes you choose me.

I love you even though there is age, and then distance between us. I love you even though I can’t see and hug you everyday.

I love you even though we have gone through a lot of things – things that other couples may never have to go through. I love you even though we are going to go through much, much more.

I love you. I love you still. And I love you even though.


Photo by Mayr, Creative Commons