living in a fantasy world

If I were living in your world, I would be the Princess. I would be the one who breaks the curse that entraps our kingdom for ten years, separating wives and husbands, friends and families. I would be the one who goes through it all, putting everything unto my shoulder as I sacrifice for the sake of our people. Not because I have to, but because I want to.

If I were living in your world, I would be the Landlord’s daughter. I would be the greatest spy to our neighbouring kingdom, absorbing everything from the library to make sure both our kingdoms are at peace. I would speak seven tongues. I would be brave when my Queen needs me to.

If I were living in your world, I would be the Rider. I would be chosen by he who sees something within me, even if I can’t see it myself. I would venture to the highest mountains and the lowest valleys to bring justice and peace. Everyone needs peace. There is too much blood that has been shed. We’ll make sure with ours, no one has to suffer again.

If I were living in your world, I would be the farmer’s son. I would touch the soil under my bare feet, and know by heart on how to grow the crops, herbs, and vegetables. I would what, when, and where to plant a seed. I would work with my brothers until the sun’s set. I would live an honourable life.

If I were living in your world, I would be the scholar. I may be weak in swordsplay and I wouldn’t know how to hunt, but I would be knowledgeable in building strategies. I would be travelling to our neighbouring kingdoms and ensure that friendship is there, not just rivalry.

If I were living in your world, I would be the warrior. I would fight with our people, and fight for our people. I would not second guess laying down my life for them. I would get crushed. I would suffer the pain and guilt of the possibility of slaying the innocent. But I would always get back to my feet. Because the people need me.

If I were living in your world, I would be the healer. I would learn the different types of herbs and flowers. The sick would come to me and I would know how to help them. I would be the one cooking for people. I would teach the young children on how to use the medicines. No, I wouldn’t know any magic. But I’d make sure those who come to me will have hope.

If I were living in your world, I would be that girl. I would be the girl who is raised to be a good wife and thinks there’s something much more to this life. I would be the girl who dreams of the secrets of the land. Then I would meet you, and everything will change. You and your fierce love towards me. Our love is the one that is deemed impossible, but something will happen. Something always will. And we will change our destiny.

If I were living in your world, I would be you. The one who has nothing but a good heart. The one who never gives up. The one who changes her fate. The one who believes in a better tomorrow, no matter how dark today is. The one who always has hope. The one who is not white nor black. The one who is grey. The one who has deepest, darkest desires. The one who is not perfect. The one who weeps and cries and rejoices. The one who laughs. The one whose loyalty is to one’s land and people. The one who loves, fiercely, unabashedly.

I would be honoured to be you.


Photo by alexdingdong, Creative Commons